PAP Test

PAP Tests in Miami Lakes, FL

Cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer a woman can get. Every year, over 300,000 women worldwide will die from it. Fortunately, there's a relatively easy and highly effective way to ensure that you do not become such a statistic: the PAP test. Ambert Medical Care Center administers and processes PAP tests in-house in our Miami Lakes, FL, clinic, and our second location in the Kendall area. Call today for an appointment and protect yourself from this deadly but preventable disease.

What to know about PAP tests

A PAP test, also known as a PAP smear, does not detect cervical cancer, per se. What makes it such an effective diagnostic tool is the fact that it detects abnormal cervical cells before they become cancerous, and it confirms the presence or absence of the human papillomavirus (HPV). Should abnormalities be detected, your physician at Ambert Medical Care Center will recommend a course of treatment to control, monitor, or eradicate them.

  • Doctor holding pap smear tools

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How to prepare for your PAP test

There are several ways you can ensure that your PAP test yields an accurate result and minimize discomfort for yourself. Ambert Medical Care Center recommends: 

  • Avoiding sexual intercourse for two days prior to your PAP test
  • Not using douches, creams, or birth control products that require insertion into the vagina
  • Scheduling your PAP test on a day when you are not menstruating
  • Cleaning the area around the vagina with a damp cloth or wipe before your appointment

PAP test frequency

If you are between the ages of 21 and 65, Ambert Medical Care Center recommends getting a PAP test every 2-3 years. Your doctor may recommend more frequent testing if:

  • You were previously diagnosed with cervical cancer, or your PAP smear indicated precancerous cells or HPV
  • Your mother took diethylstilbestrol (DES) while pregnant with you
  • You are HIV positive 
  • Your immune system is weakened due to organ transplant, chemotherapy, or chronic corticosteroid use
  • You are a current or former smoker 

If you are 65 or older, and have no history of HPV or cervical cancer, you may be able to forgo PAP smears altogether, but shouldn't stop without your doctor's authorization.

Prevent cervical cancer with regular PAP smears. Call (305) 556-0021

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